The Pride of the Green Wave has been invited to perform at Pearl Harbor in March of 2024. We will be commemorating the three Medal of Honor winners from Leeds, AL. Our director, Chip Wise, has been commissioned to write a piece entitled "City of Valor", which is also Leeds' official title, in honor of the occasion to be performed at a concert entitled "Remembering the Heroes". We are truly honored to be asked to perform on this historic occasion! Donations can be made to the Leeds High School Band Boosters through the Venmo app
@LHS-Band (last 4 numbers are 4026) or by mail at: LHSBBO PO Box 1211 Leeds, AL 35094
The Leeds Band Boosters are a 501.C.3 organization.
The Pride of the Green Wave finishes their competitive season as Bands of America Regional Finalists as well as USBands Southern States Championship Finalists and 9th place overall in the Southeast. We also ranked 3rd in the state at the Alabama Marching Championships. A successful season for any band in Alabama and a truly historic season for The Pride!
"The Strength of the Pride is the Member. The Strength of the Member is the Pride."